“Talking to Yourself”

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to you,
O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

- Psalm 19:14   (NRSV)

            I believe sometimes there is great value in talking to yourself. When you hear the words come out of your mouth it can cause a reaction simply by giving your words life. Also, It can help you to cut down on those “foot in the mouth” moments. I cannot count the times I have said something, even in a sermon, and then thought to myself, “Did I really say that?” Numerous times in the Bible it talks about taming our tongues.
            There is worth in stopping and thinking, even meditating on our words. I enjoy taking time and offering kind words to people as I am out in the community. It’s amazing how people respond. Even as I am in a checkout line, offering a kind word provides responses from people that can bright their day. It has gotten to the point that people do not expect kindness. People serving the community have been so negatively treated, they pretty much expect unkind words. So, when you offer positive affirming words, it can give renewed life to those involved .
            My challenge is for each of us to brighten each other’s day with kind words and loving mediations that come from the heart of God. The practice will not only brighten the day of others, but will lift you to the heart of God as well.
Benediction: Go, and rejoice in all the good things the Lord has given to you and your community.
Thought for the Day

Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go. Oscar Wilde
Don’t be the later dis J

Prayer Focus: Ministry of Grace


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